Debate match-up poll between @TeamPNoy2013 vs. UNA, and independents #juanvote

Survey results do not tell us about a candidate. The use of survey findings are often misused by campaign teams to condition the minds of the Filipino public and the media who have grown to trust opinion polls, largely because of hype. While surveys are useful to guide campaign strategy, it is a disservice to voters who are cajoled to join the bandwagon.

@tweetnirizal suggested instead “instead of “conditioning” surveys, how about a poll on debate match-ups between Team PNoy vs. UNA, and indies”. I asked “Hello tweeps , what is your dream debate match-ups! ” @leugenn adds that “the electorate is aching to hear specific/quantifiable platforms not generalities.”

“yes to senatorial debate match ups, give the filipinos a higher level of elections based on merits” @TikoyManstur pipes in.

A flurry of tweets soon came through my timeline. The most popular debate match-up requests are @migzzubiri vs @kokopimentel ; @risahontiveros vs @teddycasino , @saychiz vs @aksyon_Gordon and @nancy_binay vs @risahontiveros. Some tweeps think it is a mismatch if Nancy Binay is pitted with Risa Hontiveros so I suggested tag teams with Nancy. One suggested @risahontiveros + @bamaquino vs @nancy_binay + @jvejercito

Other suggested matchups were as follows:

@nancy_binay vs @bamaquino
@trillanesSonny vs @gringo_honasan
@saychiz vs @ Aksyon_Gordon
@cynthia_villar vs @therealjamby
@risahontiveros vs @mitosmagsaysay
@gracepoe2013 vs @jvejercito
@alanpcayetano vs @aksyon_Gordon
@bamaquino vs @jackenrile
@jackenrile vs @sonnyangara
@bamaquino vs @senmaceda
@jackenrile vs @AlanPcayetano
@tingcojuangco vs @loren_legarda
@tingcojuangco vs @gringo_honasan
@saychiz vs @senmaceda
@senmaceda vs @rmagsaysayjr
@risahontiveros vs @gringo_honasan
@TrillanesSonny vs @Aksyon_Gordon
@therealjamby vs @mitosmagsaysay
@nancy_binay vs @gracepoe2013
@therealjamby vs @tingcojuangco
@presidenterap vs @themayorlim

There were suggestions on discussing certain issues, @leugenn asks suggest “Universal Health Care , K-12, Contractual/Regular Employment, Economic Policies”. @moriagallaga says “I also want to hear what these candidates intend to do for the middle class.” She also wants to hear on “Agrarian reform in relation to agricultural productivity and food security.”

With the clamor of the tweeps on a debate match-up, plans will soon be in place to hold it through a Google Hangout on air, podcast and livestreaming. Watch out for the updates here.

Here are the curated tweets on the poll.