BlogWatch began in November 24, 2009 as a group of independent-minded bloggers and social media users helping with voter education. It has since evolved into a nonpartisan group of citizen advocates who engage government and the private sector, online and offline, for social good. Read our editorial policy which includes methodology and corrections policy.
Be part of the Blog Watch community. How?
1. Share your perspectives on current issues and contribute to the conversation by submitting a guest post. Look at it as an op-ed with links. We will post entries, whether we agree or disagree with your point of view. However, we reserve the right not to post any blog entry submitted to us especially if it is libelous or defamatory. Your stories will be moderated and reviewed for publication. Just email your story to our email address contact @ blogwatch.tv
To be a regular writer of Blog Watch, we will send you a list of requirements which includes style guide, disclosure among others.
If you have an accompanying photo, please email it to contact @blogwatch.tv
2. Promote your advocacy by writing about it here. Advocacy may fall under any of the following : education, disaster preparedness, health , environment and livelihood
3. Be an epal-watcher by submitting photos using hashtag #epalwatch or by submitting to http://epalwatch.tumblr.com
4. . Website , multimedia and apps development
5. Follow us at
Twitter: @blogwatchdotph
Facebook: Facebook.com/blogwatchph
Youtube: youtube.com/blogwatchdotph
Ustream: ustream.tv/channel/blogwatch