Sen. Leila de Lima issues her statement on the lowering of the age of criminal responsibility
(Sen. Leila de Lima’s statement on the lowering of the age of criminal responsibility was read during a press conference after the Jan. 25 Senate...
Child Rights Network issues a statement on the proposed lowering of the age of criminal responsibility
(Note: Published with permission from Child Rights Network (CRN). Child Rights Network (CRN) is the largest alliance of organizations and agencies pushing for children’s rights...
Emerging technologies for local and global goals beyond 2018
This was originally published at the Sunday Times & IT on December 23, 2018. Nothing is more relevant than using technology for social good. The...
A call for more truth tellers — a workshop on blogging and social media as weapons of truth
The time for truth is always now. In this age of disinformation and viral deception, we need more bloggers to share the truth. Fact checkers...
#TakeBackTheTech: 16 days of activism vs gender-based violence, Nov 25 to Dec 10
Take Back the Tech! leads several campaigns at various points in the year, but their biggest annual campaign takes place during 16 Days of Activism...
Minimizing barriers + maximizing inclusion in entrepreneurship
This article was first published at the Sunday Business & IT of the Manila Times. Entrepreneurship is a positive force that drives innovation, creates wealth...
Duterte’s misuse of power–the power of the Office of the President
“No President–that means all presidents, including Mr. Duterte–should abuse power by placing women on the spot to agree or disagree to a sexual favor.“ Florin Hilbay —...
30 examples of Duterte’s sexist remarks #BabaeAko
The #BabaeAko social media campaign to fight the sexist remarks and misogynistic behavior of President Duterte is gaining so much ground. Tonyo Cruz said it...
#TransportWatchPH , a platform for citizens to air their messages to relevant stakeholders
Transport watch is an initiative that gives citizens a platform to air their messages to relevant stakeholders. Transport Watch advocates are committed to push for...
A night of zero colors and no hashtags. Just people. Conversations. Possibility.
A night of zero colors and no hashtags. Just freedom. – Joel Pablo Salud Just people. Conversations. Possibility. – Betty Romero The invite said it...
Dissecting a black ops operation (and how #epalwatch was abused)
From about 3pm till about 7pm on January 14, 2015 and continuing till January 16, the hashtag #epalwatch was used by what we believe to...
#epalwatch: Citizens’ response to epal public servants
It is no secret that citizens have long loathed the habit by public servants of creatively disguising attributions to their selves in the form of...
The plunder of Philippine marine life
Update (May 28, 2011)– New estimate shows destroyed coral reefs 5X size (not twice as earlier reported) of Metro Manila. Join Blog Action Day on June 8 to save...
Tax evaders – beware!
April 15 is near and for many, this is when we bite the bullet and shell out precious, hard-earned money to pay our income taxes....