May 13, 2019 election monitoring: What to report

I will be at Kontra Daya Election monitoring center. One can report incidents on vote-buying, harassment, illegal campaigning, malfunctioning Vote Counting Machine (VCM), and Voters’ Registration Verification Machine Procedure Complaint. Reports must include: time of incident, location (Polling Center, Municipality, and Province), a detailed report, and photo (if sent online). Hotline number is 0918-4058441 Netizens need to use hashtags #KontraDaya and #VoteReportPH and tag Kontra Daya online through and One can also email [email protected] or tag me at @momblogger on twitter with #juanvote hashtag. While taking photos inside the precincts is prohibited by law, one can use mobile phones discreetly to capture vote-buying, illegal campaigning, and similar incidents.

REPORT ANY INCIDENT THAT VIOLATES THIS GENERAL RULE: All eligible voters have a right to vote freely and to have those votes counted quickly and accurately to determine the winners in the electoral contests.


Voting Issues

  • Delays in opening of precincts
  • Preventing any registered voter to cast a vote
  • Missing names of registered voters in List of Voters
  • Receiving a ballot that has already been pre-marked or with shading
  • Any person checking out how a voter is casting a vote (violation of privacy and secrecy)
  • Precinct runs out of ballots (If precinct runs out of ballots, a voter should be allowed to cast votes in next precinct)
  • Precinct runs out of markers
  • Precinct has wrong ballot
  • Suspension of voting for whatever purpose
  • Non-use or unavailability of indelible ink to mark voters who have already voted
  • Premature closing of precincts


Automated Election System Issues

  • No PCOS machine in precinct
  • PCOS machine malfunctions
  • PCOS machine rejects ballots
  • CF card (memory card) malfunctions
  • Voter Registration Verification Machines (VRVM) issues
  • Brownouts at any time on Election Day at the precincts
  • Unauthorized personnel (non-COMELEC) accessing the PCOS machine
  • Stealing or destruction of the PCOS machine


Election Violence

  • Unauthorized presence of armed military or police personnel
  • Unauthorized presence of unidentifiable armed persons (private armies, militias)
  • Fighting in precincts, polling centers and canvassing centers
  • Any physical  attack or threat of physical attack against any teacher or official authorized by the COMELEC, or against any voter, any group of voters, any candidate, or supporters of any candidate or party


COMELEC: Prohibited acts on Election Day

  • Campaigning
  • Selling, furnishing, offering, buying, serving or taking intoxicating liquor
  • Giving, accepting free transportation, food, drinks and things of value
  • Soliciting votes or undertaking any propaganda for or against any candidate or any political party within the polling place or within thirty (30) meters thereof
  • Voting more than once or in substitution of another
  • Holding of fairs, cockfights, boxing, horse races or other any other similar sports
  • Opening of booths or stalls for the sale, etc., of merchandise, or refreshments within a radius of thirty meters from the polling place

Hotline number is 0918-4058441 Netizens need to use hashtags #KontraDaya and #VoteReportPH and tag Kontra Daya online through and One can also email [email protected]

Will update with other hotline numbers