I am grateful to all the bloggers for agreeing or planning to sign the Bloggers for Freedom statement. …. We are happy and proud of this great community of freedom fighters! Initially 59 bloggers signed .. 91 more signed (as of January 20,2018 11:00 AM) or total of 150 signed and more to come … Bloggers from various communities like Travel bloggers , Mom bloggers , lifestyle bloggers , beauty bloggers , finance bloggers, photo bloggers , advocates , thought leaders have made a choice.
You can still be part of the “Bloggers For Freedom” by signing this form. http://bit.ly/bloggersforfreedom . We will vet the signatories as soon as we can.
Here is the statement of “Bloggers for Freedom”
We concerned Filipino bloggers stand for the rights to free expression and to free speech. And our first responsibility is to protect these rights.
We thus stand with Rappler, its right to exist, the rights of its working journalists and contributors, and the rights of its community of readers.
We stand against moves to silence and scare journalists, bloggers and media practitioners just because the President and his ardent supporters dislike their news and views.
Now is a time for making choices amid battles between truth and lies, debate and dissonance, democracy and dictatorship. We sign our names here to tell everyone we have made a choice. We are bloggers for freedom.
Let this statement be a good start for our communities to discuss what’s happening. Let’s keep in touch for the next steps we would all agree to take. The fact remains: “Why can’t the president and his supporters accept criticism and dissent? Why not address the criticisms and listen to dissenting voices? Why do they harass, threaten, bully and falsely charge them?”
See, I may not always agree with Maria Ressa , Rappler and even other media outfits but I stand with journalists, bloggers and media practitioners. They play a very important role in our democracy.
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado is a Content Strategist with over 16 years experience in blogging, content management, citizen advocacy and media literacy and over 26 years in web development. Otherwise known as @MomBlogger on social media, she believes in making a difference in the lives of her children by advocating social change for social good.
She is a co-founder and a member of the editorial board of Blog Watch . She is a resource speaker on media literacy, social media , blogging, digital citizenship, good governance, transparency, parenting, women’s rights and wellness, and cyber safety.
Her personal blogs such as aboutmyrecovery.com (parenting) , pinoyfoodblog.com (recipes), techiegadgets.com (gadgets) and benguetarabica.coffee keep her busy outside of Blog Watch.
I am an advocate. I am NOT neutral. I will NOT give social media mileage to members of political clans, epal, a previous candidate for the same position and those I believe are a waste of taxpayers' money.
I do not support or belong to any political party. I was part of accredited media covering the Office of the Vice President and Leni Robredo as she ran as a presidential aspirant in the 2022 National and local elections.
On August 5, 2021, YouTube announced that I was selected as one of 50 Program participants of its Creator Program for Independent Journalists
She was a Senior Consultant for ALL media engagements for the PCOO-led Committee on Media Affairs & Strategic Communications (CMASC) under the ASEAN 2017 National Organizing Council from January 4 -July 5, 2017. Having been an ASEAN advocate since 2011, she has written extensively about the benefits of the ASEAN community and as a region of opportunities on Blog Watch and aboutmyrecovery.com.
Organization affiliation includes Consortium on Democracy and Disinformation
Updated June 6, 2022