HomeNewsThe American Food Crisis: Rise of cancer food –fall of health food
The American Food Crisis: Rise of cancer food –fall of health food
September 13, 2012
by Bernie Lopez
The American food crisis is not a crisis of supply. There is abundance. Rather, it is a crisis of contamination. This abundance is full of dangerous chemicals. That is why there is an invisible cancer epidemic sweeping across the entire American continent today. The US State and Federal Governments, the USDA and FDA, protect poison food and suppress organic food in the name of big business.
Case no. 1. Sheep imported from the Netherlands and New Zealandwere seized by federal agents of the USDA in a small Vermont farm. They quarantined the sheep for three months to test for diseases, and eventually massacred the sheep on the pretext that they had Metcalf disease. Cows get Metcalf disease, but not sheep. When the farm, backed up by consumers, asked for the results of the tests, the USDA conducted a press conference, saying the results were not yet ready and would take time. When the farm asked three European scientists to testify to the safety of the sheep, the inspectors were silent. The farm sued the USDA, which was forced to admit in court that the results were negative even BEFORE the press conference or the massacre. They lied. USDA lost the case and had to pay the farm $1,300 per head as compensation. When the farm complained that others were paid P5,000 per head, the USDA simply said that was their penalty for suing.
Imported farm animals are a direct threat to big agro-industrial firms which control the production of meat and milk. These are the large packers, feed makers, and slaughter houses which control the beef industry. They have the power to covertly tell the USDA to do things for them. When the inspectors took the sheep, they apologized and said there were ‘political pressure’ for them to confiscate. They issued a not-so-subtle threat that if the confiscation came out in the media, the farm will go out of business. They said they have done it many times before. So it is big time business ordering the government to act in their vested interests, issue policies for them. It is this unholy alliance of government and big business against small business that is causing the American food crisis.
Case no. 2. At gun point, federal agents stormed a small community-based farm in Maryland, terrorizing innocent children, to seize milk and yogurt produce. They pretended to inspect, but their real purposed was seizure. They placed a seal and locked the refrigerators.
Again, it was a case of competition between big and small. There is inAmerica today a sudden demand for raw milk as a health food, as it is an effective cure-all, for example, against allergies by controlling pathogens. It also strengthens the immunity system. The large dairy firms have a black propaganda campaign against raw milk as ‘dangerous’ and can cause life threatening diseases. Such cases are however extremely rare. Maryland has banned the sale of raw milk.
Case no. 3. Steve Smith, a former NASA climate change scientist, had a small 150-acre farm in Lodi, New York, with 30 cows, 9 of which were milking, 10 chickens and 9 pigs. He organized a town consumer cooperative to buy organic produce from a farmer’s market he set up. The Department of Agricultural Markets of the State of New York, which was mandated to protect and support farmers, swooped down on the market, inspecting and sampling their produce. They demanded permits and issued fines for no permits. They went as far as confiscating and destroying the produce.
Even though the consumers cooperative had only about a hundred members, and the farmers’ market a very small operation, the fear was that the trend might grow. It had to be nipped at the bud, before it achieved momentum.
All over America, this is happening. Federal and State agencies impose strict regulation meant for big firms on small firms. One farmer says the paper work takes just as much time than the farming itself. Inspections are conducted as an excuse to close down small farms. There are many unnecessary permits and fines that increase farm costs. American agricultural policy is becoming a form of business harassment.
The irony is poison food is produced by the biggies and organic food by the small ones. A farmer says they are now being forced to produce the same poison, to use pesticide, chemical fertilizers, anti-biotics, irradiation, cloning, and other expensive processes meant for big agribusiness, away from their organic health practices. These are the ‘orders’ of the big firms on government agencies. They say the regulations are for ‘food safety’ when it is the exact opposite. The American food crisis is the primary ingredient to the nationwide cancer epidemic.
This trend is forcing the small farmers to close down. They are vanishing very quickly, these sources of health food. Since 1970,America has lost a staggering 88% of its small dairies. America is going for cancer food all because of the greed of a handful of food makers and processors. American cancer casualties in America today exceeds by far that of World War II. It is a form of suicide condoned by corrupt Federal and State Governments. (Source –http://youtu.be/5uah8LBUbfc).
Watch the video : Farmageddon – The truth about the food and dairy industry
Filmmaker Kristin Canty’s quest to find healthy food for her four children turned into an educational journey to discover why access to these foods was being threatened. What she found were policies that favor agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Instead of focusing on the source of food safety problems — most often the industrial food chain — policymakers and regulators implement and enforce solutions that target and often drive out of business small farms that have proven themselves more than capable of producing safe, healthy food, but buckle under the crushing weight of government regulations and excessive enforcement actions.
Farmageddon highlights the urgency of food freedom, encouraging farmers and consumers alike to take action to preserve individuals’ rights to access food of their choice and farmers’ rights to produce these foods safely and free from unreasona-bly burdensome regulations. The film serves to put policymakers and regulators on notice that there is a growing movement of people aware that their freedom to choose the foods they want is in danger, a movement that is taking action with its dollars and its voting power to protect and preserve the dwindling number of family farms that are struggling to survive.
The information and views set out in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of Blog Watch. Responsibility for the information and views expressed here lies entirely with the author(s).
The American Food Crisis: Rise of cancer food –fall of health food
by Bernie Lopez
The American food crisis is not a crisis of supply. There is abundance. Rather, it is a crisis of contamination. This abundance is full of dangerous chemicals. That is why there is an invisible cancer epidemic sweeping across the entire American continent today. The US State and Federal Governments, the USDA and FDA, protect poison food and suppress organic food in the name of big business.
Case no. 1. Sheep imported from the Netherlands and New Zealandwere seized by federal agents of the USDA in a small Vermont farm. They quarantined the sheep for three months to test for diseases, and eventually massacred the sheep on the pretext that they had Metcalf disease. Cows get Metcalf disease, but not sheep. When the farm, backed up by consumers, asked for the results of the tests, the USDA conducted a press conference, saying the results were not yet ready and would take time. When the farm asked three European scientists to testify to the safety of the sheep, the inspectors were silent. The farm sued the USDA, which was forced to admit in court that the results were negative even BEFORE the press conference or the massacre. They lied. USDA lost the case and had to pay the farm $1,300 per head as compensation. When the farm complained that others were paid P5,000 per head, the USDA simply said that was their penalty for suing.
Imported farm animals are a direct threat to big agro-industrial firms which control the production of meat and milk. These are the large packers, feed makers, and slaughter houses which control the beef industry. They have the power to covertly tell the USDA to do things for them. When the inspectors took the sheep, they apologized and said there were ‘political pressure’ for them to confiscate. They issued a not-so-subtle threat that if the confiscation came out in the media, the farm will go out of business. They said they have done it many times before. So it is big time business ordering the government to act in their vested interests, issue policies for them. It is this unholy alliance of government and big business against small business that is causing the American food crisis.
Case no. 2. At gun point, federal agents stormed a small community-based farm in Maryland, terrorizing innocent children, to seize milk and yogurt produce. They pretended to inspect, but their real purposed was seizure. They placed a seal and locked the refrigerators.
Again, it was a case of competition between big and small. There is inAmerica today a sudden demand for raw milk as a health food, as it is an effective cure-all, for example, against allergies by controlling pathogens. It also strengthens the immunity system. The large dairy firms have a black propaganda campaign against raw milk as ‘dangerous’ and can cause life threatening diseases. Such cases are however extremely rare. Maryland has banned the sale of raw milk.
Case no. 3. Steve Smith, a former NASA climate change scientist, had a small 150-acre farm in Lodi, New York, with 30 cows, 9 of which were milking, 10 chickens and 9 pigs. He organized a town consumer cooperative to buy organic produce from a farmer’s market he set up. The Department of Agricultural Markets of the State of New York, which was mandated to protect and support farmers, swooped down on the market, inspecting and sampling their produce. They demanded permits and issued fines for no permits. They went as far as confiscating and destroying the produce.
Even though the consumers cooperative had only about a hundred members, and the farmers’ market a very small operation, the fear was that the trend might grow. It had to be nipped at the bud, before it achieved momentum.
All over America, this is happening. Federal and State agencies impose strict regulation meant for big firms on small firms. One farmer says the paper work takes just as much time than the farming itself. Inspections are conducted as an excuse to close down small farms. There are many unnecessary permits and fines that increase farm costs. American agricultural policy is becoming a form of business harassment.
The irony is poison food is produced by the biggies and organic food by the small ones. A farmer says they are now being forced to produce the same poison, to use pesticide, chemical fertilizers, anti-biotics, irradiation, cloning, and other expensive processes meant for big agribusiness, away from their organic health practices. These are the ‘orders’ of the big firms on government agencies. They say the regulations are for ‘food safety’ when it is the exact opposite. The American food crisis is the primary ingredient to the nationwide cancer epidemic.
This trend is forcing the small farmers to close down. They are vanishing very quickly, these sources of health food. Since 1970,America has lost a staggering 88% of its small dairies. America is going for cancer food all because of the greed of a handful of food makers and processors. American cancer casualties in America today exceeds by far that of World War II. It is a form of suicide condoned by corrupt Federal and State Governments. (Source –http://youtu.be/5uah8LBUbfc).
Watch the video : Farmageddon – The truth about the food and dairy industry
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The information and views set out in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of Blog Watch. Responsibility for the information and views expressed here lies entirely with the author(s).