Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 passed on final reading

House Bill No. 5808, also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 was passed by Congress on third and final reading. The bill seeks to define and penalize cybercrime offenses committed in the country, including a controversial provision that criminalizes online defamation. It will also give the government powers to go after erring cybercriminals as crimes committed through digital means continue to escalate.

Under the proposed measure, the following acts are punishable: illegal access of data; computer forgery; computer-related fraud; cybersex; cyber threats; and spamming, among others.

The House has also chosen to adopt the provision penalizing cyber defamation also known as libel committed over the Internet, an insertion which has been refuted by solons before.

Here is the text of House Bill No. 5808, also known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012

HB 5808 Cyber Crime 3rd Reading