Michael Charleston B. Chua (@Xiao_Chua on Twitter) shares his study “TORTURE: A Preliminary Look at Brutality and Its Effects Under the Marcos Dictatorship 1972-1986” as his way of contributing to the memory of the kids about Martial Law.
His introduction starts below:
“It was a compassionate society, it was a benevolent leadership,” said Imelda Marcos about her husband’s Martial Law rule (1972-1981) and the years until he stepped down in 1986. It was her delusion. In fact, it became the darkest period of Philippine contemporary history. It placed President Ferdinand E. Marcos among the roster of great tyrants such as Perón, Suharto and Idi Amin. Under Marcos, the military launched a reign of terror that gave birth to a new generation of heroes and martyrs.
This paper aims to prove, by looking at some statistics and by citing some documented cases, the existence of human rights violations by the military in what Imelda described as “the most peaceful and democratic time” in Philippine history and analyze its desired effects on the individual, his/her family, and to the country in general. And is Marcos guilty and responsible for these crimes?
Also, this paper aims to provide young people, who may never have heard of what happened in those dark times, a concise, readable primer to the excesses of tyranny, and help them realize the importance of learning from history, specially those events that happened three decades ago.
Continue reading below or Download the study in PDF file.
KasPil2 M3 – Chua – Torture
About The Author
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado is a Content Strategist with over 16 years experience in blogging, content management, citizen advocacy and media literacy and over 26 years in web development. Otherwise known as @MomBlogger on social media, she believes in making a difference in the lives of her children by advocating social change for social good.
She is a co-founder and a member of the editorial board of Blog Watch . She is a resource speaker on media literacy, social media , blogging, digital citizenship, good governance, transparency, parenting, women’s rights and wellness, and cyber safety.
Her personal blogs such as aboutmyrecovery.com (parenting) , pinoyfoodblog.com (recipes), techiegadgets.com (gadgets) and benguetarabica.coffee keep her busy outside of Blog Watch.
I am an advocate. I am NOT neutral. I will NOT give social media mileage to members of political clans, epal, a previous candidate for the same position and those I believe are a waste of taxpayers' money.
I do not support or belong to any political party. I was part of accredited media covering the Office of the Vice President and Leni Robredo as she ran as a presidential aspirant in the 2022 National and local elections.
On August 5, 2021, YouTube announced that I was selected as one of 50 Program participants of its Creator Program for Independent Journalists
She was a Senior Consultant for ALL media engagements for the PCOO-led Committee on Media Affairs & Strategic Communications (CMASC) under the ASEAN 2017 National Organizing Council from January 4 -July 5, 2017. Having been an ASEAN advocate since 2011, she has written extensively about the benefits of the ASEAN community and as a region of opportunities on Blog Watch and aboutmyrecovery.com.
Organization affiliation includes Consortium on Democracy and Disinformation
Updated June 6, 2022