PreMYo Rizal nationwide essay writing contest
Liza Bayot, a great-grand niece of Dr. Jose Rizal sent me an email about the exciting activities of Jose Rizal’s 150th birthday celebration.

MyRizal’s mission is to deepen the Filipino’s knowledge of Rizal by encouraging all sectors of society to find meaningful ways to celebrate Rizal’s sesquicentennial and his ideals . One of their activity is the launching of PreMyo Rizal in coordination with Department of Education for grade 5, 6 and for 3rd and 4th year high school .
The other contest on the college level is in partnership with University of the Philippines. She hopes the maximum and enthusiastic participation by our students!
As students write their Rizal essays, it is the hope that they will develop an appreciation for our national hero and find their own ways of celebrating the Rizal in each of us!
Below is the invite and contest rules. Please share and disseminate.
Attention: All Principals/School Presidents, Teachers and Students of Grades 5 and 6, 3rd and 4th Year High School and All College Levels!!!
You are invited to participate in PreMYo Rizal, the nationwide essay writing contest organized by MyRizal in partnership with the Department of Education Special Events Unit (for grade school and high school) and with UP College of Arts & Letters (for college). Please refer to DepEd memo #178, s. 2011.
At stake: Cash prizes, and public announcement of national winners in newspapers, on radio and on TV!
Deadline for submission of entries:
For grade school and high school: Regional Finalists must be submitted by Oct. 31, 2011. Deadlines for individual schools are earlier, in order to meet the regional deadline. Please ask your school principals for your individual school deadlines.
For college: October 31, 2011.
For more details, please see attached Contest Rules and log on to or download this invite and PreMyo Rizal Contest Rules below.