Department of Tourism and BBDO Guerrero Agree to Move Forward with Restarted Bidding Process

The Department of Tourism (DOT) has decided to commence with a new bidding process for its Branding Campaign account. This has been possible after BBDO Guerrero agreed to waive any formal reconsideration after they were the only agency that had qualified under the original process.

The arrival of the new Secretary of Tourism, Ramon Jimenez, Jr., a former advertising executive, has led to a rethink over the concept of the campaign and Terms of Reference (TOR) and so necessitates a declaration of a failure in the previous bidding process.

The new invitation to tender will be released on 1 October 2011. The likelihood is that seven agencies will be shortlisted.

BBDO Guerrero’s chairman and founder David Guerrero said, “We are one with the Department of Tourism in expressing the desire for having more than one agency to present its ideas for the country’s branding campaign in what should be a highly competitive process. Indeed, this is about getting the best result for the nation’s advertising and so we are only too happy to fit in with the Secretary’s plans.”

A spokesmperson for the Department of Tourism said, “The failure in the bidding process is no reflection on the ability of BBDO Guerrero to meet the previous TOR and the responsibilities of the campaign and we certainly look forward to welcoming them to the new process.”
