China can’t cover the truth
Letter to the editor entitled “The Ultimate Betrayal of Mang Kanor to the Filipino People and his utter love for China and “Pooh””
I refer to “Duterte Stands by China, Doubts Own Fishermen in Sea Collision” by Andreo Calonzo published by Bloomberg on June 18th with regard to the indescribable betrayal of the hoodlum from Davao to the Filipino people and his unquestionable bias and love of China and its leader, specifically Xi Jun Ping.
According to the said report:
“Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is standing by China over a collision involving the two nations’ boats in the South China Sea, with his spokesman casting doubts on local fishermen’s accounts of the incident.
“In his first public statement about what he described as a “maritime incident,” Duterte said China’s side should be heard on the collision that resulted in a Philippine vessel carrying 22 fishermen sinking in disputed waters on June 9. The crew were rescued by a Vietnamese fishing boat and a Philippine Navy ship.”
If these idiots, truly believes in their “story” or script that there are “circumstances that give doubt to the version” of the fishermen, then why it took Mr. Hoodlum a number of days before he broke his silence?
Further, I concur to one senator when he said that, when Mr. Duterte broke his silence — he has further broken the hearts of the Filipinos and he added fuel to the grieving and angry nation.
Here’s what Mr. Hoodlum said on the matter:
“It is best investigated. I don’t issue a statement now because there’s no investigation and no result… The only thing we can do is wait and give the other party the right to be heard.”
There seems to me a great disconnect here. At best, this is opportunism and at worst, hypocrisy of the lowest order! The pertinent question that needs to ask is that: Why is it that when it comes to China, he appears to be a follower of the democratic process, of due process; but when it comes to his so-called bloody “program of “Drug War”, he did not give those thousands of victims who died by the hands of his mass killers and murderers — the right to be heard?
What a shame!
Mr. Duterte as a traitor to the Republic of the Philippines and as a lapdog of Chinese Imperialism and maritime bullyism
Where can you find a president of a country whose loyalty and allegiance is not with his country but with another nation?
Where can you find a leader of a nation who does not believe and doubts the testimony of his own people (the Filipino fishermen), but tends to believe more the bloody script and lies of another country (the Chinese ambassador in the Philippines and the Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokesman in Beijing)?
The indisputable answer is precisely the Hoodlum from Davao.
The very words of this traitor are the clear proof and undeniable evidences that he does not believe our people, specifically those fishermen who were rammed by the Chinese. Hence, the picture is clear they were slammed, rammed and sunken — within our very our territorial waters.
What the bloody fuck those bloody Chinese are doing in our own waters in the first place? What the hell are they doing within our own EEZ?
Added insult to injury, after the nefarious and evil acts of those Chinese, they’ve check on those poor Filipino fishermen. Once they’ve satisfied that they are already fighting for their lives, instead of giving them a helping hand — they turned off their lights and leave our people to the elements.
Is that the Chinese concept of “friendship”?
To quote the words of Professor Jay Batongbacal, director of the University of the Philippines’ Institute for Maritime Affairs and Law of the Sea:
“Between the Philippine government and the Chinese government the friendship policy has been set, but this incident has happened and casts doubt on the sincerity and wisdom of it to the Filipino people…”
China’s habitual lies and patented “Double Speak”
Look at this. First, the Chinese embassy in Manila said that the Chinese captain tried to help the Filipino fishermen, but cannot do so because of the presence of eight to the seven other Filipino ships in the areas and they are besieging them.
Later, when those idiots realized that their “script” or lies is incredible or out of this world, because it was shown that there are no other ships there and that it took some time before a Vietnamese ship comes to the scene and rescued the Filipino fishermen, they changed their “story-line”.
Now, here comes the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman no less than, Lu Kang who described the incident as an “accidental collision”.
Assuming for the sake of the “argument” that what happened is not an intentional and deliberate attack, the relevant question there is: after the so-called collision or allusion or whatever, WHY didn’t THOSE BLOODY Chinese FREAKS DID NOT HELP THE FILIPINO FISHERMEN?
China can’t cover the Truth
- The bloody Chinese are lying on their claim about the besieging. For if that is true, then why on earth those fishermen spent quite some time on the waters fighting for their lives? Where the hell are those alleged eight to seven ships in the area? If there are the presence of other ships other than the one that were rammed, how come it is a Vietnamese ship that rescued the Filipinos?
The Chinese script does not only defies logic, but incontestably fantastic and the heights of fallacious impertinency and sheer idiocy!
- The bloody Chinese are lying that what happened is an accidental maritime collision, again to reiterate, if that is truly the case, — why leave those Filipino fishermen?
The truth is that: the Chinese are liars, freaks and have no sense of humanity whatsoever!
A Call to the Filipino People and Our Allies
Dear Country-men, it is absolutely clear that we cannot rely for protection, support and care from the so-called president of our nation, because his loyalty is not to us, the Filipino people but to China.
Sad but true!
Hence, as the heirs and grandchildren of our noble warriors and heroes, we have no choice but to rely to our very selves.
We have to unite and stand as one, with the help and solidarity from our allies, such as dear Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, the EU and our ASEAN. Together as One, United as One — we shall win this fight against the imperialism and bullyism of China.
There is Hope!
Jose Mario De Vega
Philosophy Instructor
Department of Humanities and Philosophy
College of Arts and Letters
Polytechnic University of the Philippines