Video: Recorded Interview with Edward Hagedorn @edwardhagedorn

Check out Edward Hagedorn profile and platforms:

1. Edward Hagedorn, the green mayor
2.#knowyourcandidate: Teddy Edward Hagedorn

Watch our recorded video interview

Here is the podcast episode

Streaming Live by Ustream


Hagedorn leads the celebrations for the “Feast of the Forests” with the late Senator Raul S. Roco in 2003

“To see Puerto Princesa as model city in sustainable development.”

With the following concepts:

  • A park-like city demonstrating balance and harmony between development and environment;
  • A center for eco-tours, healthful recreation, applied research on ecology, ecosystem, marine and terrestrial flora and fauna as well as environmental management;
  • A home for disciplined inhabitants who are responsible stewards of the city’s ecological system and resources; their quality of life improved as they enjoy—directly or indirectly—the bounties of nature and the fruits of their labor; and;
  • Its major thoroughfares developed as boulevards, promenades and stretches of tree-lined and coastal highways interspersed with parks and resorts, and provided with appropriate facilities for tourism, agriculture, commerce and environment-friendly industries.

Disclosure: Blog Watch does not accept compensation or payment in kind or in cash for any of our interviews. Blog Watch interviews senatorial candidates to provide more context to platforms and election issues. For candidates that want to schedule an interview with us, you may contact us via contact(at)blogwatch(dot)tv.