Help us craft the Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom
Many were responsible for initiating the Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom (MCPIC) and worked on the initial draft over at the PH Netizens Bill of Rights Working Group. This is a working group of netizens committed to espousing Internet Freedom. I recall the idea to form this group was spurred when the United Nations affirmed internet freedom as a basic human right. You can read UN Human Rights Council resolution on “The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet”.
Pierre aka @jesterinexile one of the prime movers of the PH Netizens Bill of Rights Working Group invites you to be part of the MCPIC draft.
“This group really is serious about getting out a Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom. a month and a half (and some odd hours too) have gone by, and we have crafted quite a bit of stuff.
In another post (this one:
groups/408352425884967/ ) I’ve talked a little bit of what we have done and what needs to be done. in another post (this one: groups/408352425884967/ ) we put placeholders so that people know what we’ve written and can join in the discussion… and more importantly, can provide a little bit of brain sweat into this thing.permalink/418241754896034/ We need you. we need all of you. we need all of you to be reading up, and speaking out, and helping craft a document designed to promote the best of our online lives, and in doing so, clear a path for those of our people who are yet to come online.
Please help. Five people have put a lot of thought into this, and have come up with a fairly good start. imagine what will come out if two hundred-odd people put in a little bit of effort too.
We need you. all of you. please jump in, speak your minds, and help us get the MCPIF out.”
Join the PH Netizens Bill of Rights Working Group and help us craft the google document on Magna Carta for Philippine Internet Freedom. It is only 60% done. You might also want to read the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Frank La Rue and UN Human Rights Council resolution to provide background information on internet freedom.
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Here is an excerpt from the draft:
Selection 2. Declaration of Policy
The purpose of this Act is to ensure that the Rights, Responsibilities and Freedoms enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, and the Bill of Rights is protected, and guaranteed for Filipinos using the Internet and technology.
Section 3. Principles of Philippine Internet Freedom
The State recognizes, ensures and guarantees:
The fundamental right of every Filipino to connect to a free and open Internet access;
The transparent and participatory process of making Internet policy;
The right to meritocracy where age, sex, race, position and qualification are deemed irrelevant, and skill is the ultimate determinant of acceptance;Art, beauty, and culture can be created on devices, and on the Internet;
An education that promotes computers, devices, the Internet and technology to pursue life, liberty and happiness, andThe fundamental right of each person to:
Free expression on the Internet;Universal access to reasonably fast and affordable networks;
The freedom to connect, to communicate, to write, to read, to watch, to speak, to listen, to learn, to create;The freedom to create and innovate without permission, and ensures the right of every Filipino to reasonable access to such creation and innovation, and the commitment to guarantee that such creators and innovators and inventors are not punished for their users’ action and,
To protect, preserve and defend the Filipino’s right to privacy, and to do the same for their ability to control how their data, and devices are used.
Image via Juned of
Here is the UN Human Rights Council resolution on “The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet”.
UN Human Rights Council- The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet