Movement of Good Governance gives Aquino Administration a score of 4.69
The Movement on Good Governance came up with a needs assessment study of the Aquino administration and a platform score by the end of the study. Here is their 32 page report and the method of reaching a rating system and a platform score of 4.69.
A needs assessment study under the Aquino administration
It is relatively easy to elect a President. The difficulty lies in supporting him so that he succeeds in governance. Supporting him entails affirming his performance in areas that he has done very well. But it also involves reminding him what policies and practices are not coherent with his platform and promises. What would an “objective” or “fair” approach in evaluating performance of the administration? The assessment must be based on a metric or what the President himself set out to do. In other words, the standards against which the President will be judged are those set by himself, and no one else. In President Aquino’s case, these standards can be found in his campaign platform, which can be broken down into either 102 or 150 action programs/promises, depending on the websites one visits. The President’s campaign platform was reiterated in his inaugural address, where he promised to keep his promises: “No more turning back on pledges made during the campaign, whether today or in the coming challenges that will confront us over the next six years”. It metamorphosed into the program of government formally known as his “Social Contract with the Filipino People” which in turn, serves as the basis of the recently released 2011-2016 Philippine Development Plan (PDP), with “Inclusive Growth” as the mantra.
The Movement for Good Governance uses a scorecard system to assess the needs of the country based on the extent to which the administration has implemented the platform of the President.
The rating system is qualified by indicators. The assessment also makes reference to the qualities of a transformational leader: effective, empowering, and ethical, which MGG used in benchmarking the candidates in the 2010 elections. In specific issues, such as corruption and education, different weights are given. Lighter weights were assigned to those that required simple actions such as requiring public officials to fill up their Statement of Assets and Liabilities (SALN) and making them public. In cases where promises were equally important and difficult, they were given equal weights.
The score?
Here is the summary of his performance:
Platform Score
1. War against Corruption 4.8
2. Public Finance 5.8
3. Governance 4.5
4. Environment 4.7
5. Education 5.68
6. Health 3
7. Economy 4.4
Average 4.69
The initial gains of the Administration in implementing its platform are well recognized. The President sets an example of honesty and good intentions. Many of his Cabinet members are competent and strongly committed to public service. The DILG and the DBM have set good examples in transparency and participatory governance. Education has been prioritized. Inclusive economic growth has been fostered by a President with a strong social capital. The CCT holds a strong promise in poverty reduction.
But a score of 4.69 indicates that many challenges that need to be addressed. These are addressing the budgetary deficit through increased revenue collection, increasing and improving health services particularly the poor, improving access to quality education, improving the productivity of the agricultural sector, and providing better infrastructure. Many of these needs are predicated on a stronger revenue effort. Improvement in revenue administration requires structural reforms as well.
Governance need to be strengthened through a coherent and objective
appointment system. The rule of law should apply to everyone, including friends, family and supporters. A performance-incentive system for all government agencies and local governments will enforce accountability. Irregularities reported by COA should be on top of the accountability agenda. The examples of participatory governance by DBM and DILG need to be scaled up so that more and more communities can be empowered to participate in decision-making.
The strict enforcement of laws on the environment and a good population management do not only call for political will but integrity and transparency in decision-making and implementation.
Read the 32 page report below: