This is Globe’s stand regarding advertising in Willie Revillame’s show via Froilan Grate

Two days ago, I wrote Globe and asked them three things:
1. Is Globe ready to commit that it will not advertise on Wil Time Big Time, at least until the KBP has ruled on the issue and the criminal case filed against Mr. Willie Revillame has been decided by the courts? I mean, would you be willing to risk your company’s reputation into someone (and a show) who will eventually be found guilty of child abuse?
2. Would Globe be willing to listen to its consumers on issues like this? Or will you be like SMART who refused time and again to listen to pleas from its consumers.
3. Would Globe be holding on to your values as a company and uphold the common good, or will you be like SMART who is only after profit?
You can find the entire letter here.
Today, the President of Globe personally sent me a reply. The full reply is below:
Hi Froilan,
First of all, thanks for acknowledging Globe’s efforts in trying to improve our customer service.
Let me address some of your questions:
1. We will not be advertising either on the Willie show or on TV5. We did support Willie in his early years but pulled out because we felt that the values he began to demonstrate as his popularity grew became increasingly divergent to ours. We have not and will not support his shows on TV5 or any other venue.
2. We at Globe are transforming into a customer focused organization. That has become the hallmark of our strategy so it is integral to us to listen to our consumers. The development of our new products and services starts with understanding our customer’s problems and solving them through innovative telecom solutions. An example of this is the groundbreaking ‘My Super Plan’ concept.
3. We believe that telcos should exist for a higher good as evidenced by how much we do in CSR and for the environment. We do need to maintain our profitability to fund this plus the heavy capital investments that we need to make on an annual basis.
Finally, thanks for continuing to be loyal to Globe. We are working towards building loyalty such as yours among our many subscribers and I believe we are making progress.
(*Emphasis mine)
I am personally satisfied with his reply, especially with Number 1. I will now be asking my friends and family to switch to Globe and stop supporting companies that promote (by financially supporting thru advertising) the commercialization and sexualization of children.
—end of Froilan Grate’s entry—
Some interesting reactions from Facebook page based on Jobet Claudio’s comment.
No breaking bubbles or basag-trip. But Globe will NOT advertise with a TV network that is the sister company of its arch-rival. Statements like that serve Globe more than they serve the cause.
1. Jozy Acosta
Note also that Cu mentioned that they will not sponsor WR “on TV5 or any other venue” AND that they refrained from sponsoring him after his early days when his acts became divergent with Globe’s values. We don’t know yet whether this means they stopped during WR’s days in ABS-CBN, but if it does, then that shows that their position is sincere and not driven by rivalry. I have faith in Ayala as a value-based company.
my opinion is that this was actually a risky move for Globe that took a lot of courage. Globe is currently being outpaced by Smart. By coming out with this statement, Globe runs the risk of alienating the droves of people who continue to idolize WR. I believe this statement was wriiten by the President himself at 3 a.m., not by a corporate communications expert. This indicates that this is an issue that is close to the president himself. I believe that a company’s culture is set at the very top – a president who demonstrates that he lives the company’s values drives those values throughout the organization. That’s leadership.
2. Geraldine Pariñas
Thank God! I’ll forever stick to Globe, a company who has dignity and principles! 🙂 God bless you more GLOBE! ?
3. Jerome Bringas
It’s good to know that One BIG, CLASS A Corporation is making a mark by exemplifying good values! Very Good GLOBE! You’re one CLASS ACT!
4. Cora Daniel
Is it not refreshing to know that there still exist a thing called corporate social responsibility? Profits…they are not a measure of value within themselves, but to commit oneself to inspire awareness of the concept of human value and be part in moulding this generation’s moral values is indeed commendable.
5. Jozy Acosta
Like I said in my first post, nothing a business does is ever out of “pure concern” – it’s a BUSNESS. I go back to: whether or not Globe has other motivations, whether or not they will benefit from it, it doesn’t change the fact that we will benefit from it too, in two ways as already mentioned above: a) patronizing Globe means you boycott Smart – this letter just gives you much more impetus and moral ground to follow through; b) this letter will give the Unilevers and P&G’s of this world more than an inkling of what they can do to demonstrate how serious they are about their value statements – they may think about the Ayala vs. MVP angle, but who do you think wil elicit more support from the business community?
I agree that many people will see the rivalry angle in this and they may even be right to a certain extent. That’s their right. I hope though that they also see that there are other factors that indicate that it’s not PURELY driven by that rivalry. I don’t believe that any purported rivalry diminishes the couragousness of the note and the value it has to our cause, notwithstanding the concurrent benefits Globe gains from it.
Addendum: And to encourage Unilever et al to throw their support behind Globe, we need to LOUDLY make our approval heard, through word of mouth, social media and our pockets.
Read the other reactions here.
About The Author
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado is a Content Strategist with over 16 years experience in blogging, content management, citizen advocacy and media literacy and over 26 years in web development. Otherwise known as @MomBlogger on social media, she believes in making a difference in the lives of her children by advocating social change for social good.
She is a co-founder and a member of the editorial board of Blog Watch . She is a resource speaker on media literacy, social media , blogging, digital citizenship, good governance, transparency, parenting, women’s rights and wellness, and cyber safety.
Her personal blogs such as (parenting) , (recipes), (gadgets) and keep her busy outside of Blog Watch.
I am an advocate. I am NOT neutral. I will NOT give social media mileage to members of political clans, epal, a previous candidate for the same position and those I believe are a waste of taxpayers' money.
I do not support or belong to any political party. I was part of accredited media covering the Office of the Vice President and Leni Robredo as she ran as a presidential aspirant in the 2022 National and local elections.
On August 5, 2021, YouTube announced that I was selected as one of 50 Program participants of its Creator Program for Independent Journalists
She was a Senior Consultant for ALL media engagements for the PCOO-led Committee on Media Affairs & Strategic Communications (CMASC) under the ASEAN 2017 National Organizing Council from January 4 -July 5, 2017. Having been an ASEAN advocate since 2011, she has written extensively about the benefits of the ASEAN community and as a region of opportunities on Blog Watch and
Organization affiliation includes Consortium on Democracy and Disinformation
Updated June 6, 2022
Globe Telecom on advertising in Willie Revillame’s show
This is Globe’s stand regarding advertising in Willie Revillame’s show via Froilan Grate
Two days ago, I wrote Globe and asked them three things:
1. Is Globe ready to commit that it will not advertise on Wil Time Big Time, at least until the KBP has ruled on the issue and the criminal case filed against Mr. Willie Revillame has been decided by the courts? I mean, would you be willing to risk your company’s reputation into someone (and a show) who will eventually be found guilty of child abuse?
2. Would Globe be willing to listen to its consumers on issues like this? Or will you be like SMART who refused time and again to listen to pleas from its consumers.
3. Would Globe be holding on to your values as a company and uphold the common good, or will you be like SMART who is only after profit?
You can find the entire letter here.
Today, the President of Globe personally sent me a reply. The full reply is below:
Hi Froilan,
First of all, thanks for acknowledging Globe’s efforts in trying to improve our customer service.
Let me address some of your questions:
1. We will not be advertising either on the Willie show or on TV5. We did support Willie in his early years but pulled out because we felt that the values he began to demonstrate as his popularity grew became increasingly divergent to ours. We have not and will not support his shows on TV5 or any other venue.
2. We at Globe are transforming into a customer focused organization. That has become the hallmark of our strategy so it is integral to us to listen to our consumers. The development of our new products and services starts with understanding our customer’s problems and solving them through innovative telecom solutions. An example of this is the groundbreaking ‘My Super Plan’ concept.
3. We believe that telcos should exist for a higher good as evidenced by how much we do in CSR and for the environment. We do need to maintain our profitability to fund this plus the heavy capital investments that we need to make on an annual basis.
Finally, thanks for continuing to be loyal to Globe. We are working towards building loyalty such as yours among our many subscribers and I believe we are making progress.
(*Emphasis mine)
I am personally satisfied with his reply, especially with Number 1. I will now be asking my friends and family to switch to Globe and stop supporting companies that promote (by financially supporting thru advertising) the commercialization and sexualization of children.
—end of Froilan Grate’s entry—
Some interesting reactions from Facebook page based on Jobet Claudio’s comment.
1. Jozy Acosta
Note also that Cu mentioned that they will not sponsor WR “on TV5 or any other venue” AND that they refrained from sponsoring him after his early days when his acts became divergent with Globe’s values. We don’t know yet whether this means they stopped during WR’s days in ABS-CBN, but if it does, then that shows that their position is sincere and not driven by rivalry. I have faith in Ayala as a value-based company.
my opinion is that this was actually a risky move for Globe that took a lot of courage. Globe is currently being outpaced by Smart. By coming out with this statement, Globe runs the risk of alienating the droves of people who continue to idolize WR. I believe this statement was wriiten by the President himself at 3 a.m., not by a corporate communications expert. This indicates that this is an issue that is close to the president himself. I believe that a company’s culture is set at the very top – a president who demonstrates that he lives the company’s values drives those values throughout the organization. That’s leadership.
2. Geraldine Pariñas
Thank God! I’ll forever stick to Globe, a company who has dignity and principles! 🙂 God bless you more GLOBE! ?
3. Jerome Bringas
It’s good to know that One BIG, CLASS A Corporation is making a mark by exemplifying good values! Very Good GLOBE! You’re one CLASS ACT!
4. Cora Daniel
Is it not refreshing to know that there still exist a thing called corporate social responsibility? Profits…they are not a measure of value within themselves, but to commit oneself to inspire awareness of the concept of human value and be part in moulding this generation’s moral values is indeed commendable.
5. Jozy Acosta
Like I said in my first post, nothing a business does is ever out of “pure concern” – it’s a BUSNESS. I go back to: whether or not Globe has other motivations, whether or not they will benefit from it, it doesn’t change the fact that we will benefit from it too, in two ways as already mentioned above: a) patronizing Globe means you boycott Smart – this letter just gives you much more impetus and moral ground to follow through; b) this letter will give the Unilevers and P&G’s of this world more than an inkling of what they can do to demonstrate how serious they are about their value statements – they may think about the Ayala vs. MVP angle, but who do you think wil elicit more support from the business community?
I agree that many people will see the rivalry angle in this and they may even be right to a certain extent. That’s their right. I hope though that they also see that there are other factors that indicate that it’s not PURELY driven by that rivalry. I don’t believe that any purported rivalry diminishes the couragousness of the note and the value it has to our cause, notwithstanding the concurrent benefits Globe gains from it.
Addendum: And to encourage Unilever et al to throw their support behind Globe, we need to LOUDLY make our approval heard, through word of mouth, social media and our pockets.
Read the other reactions here.
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About The Author
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado
Noemi Lardizabal-Dado is a Content Strategist with over 16 years experience in blogging, content management, citizen advocacy and media literacy and over 26 years in web development. Otherwise known as @MomBlogger on social media, she believes in making a difference in the lives of her children by advocating social change for social good. She is a co-founder and a member of the editorial board of Blog Watch . She is a resource speaker on media literacy, social media , blogging, digital citizenship, good governance, transparency, parenting, women’s rights and wellness, and cyber safety. Her personal blogs such as (parenting) , (recipes), (gadgets) and keep her busy outside of Blog Watch. Disclosure: I am an advocate. I am NOT neutral. I will NOT give social media mileage to members of political clans, epal, a previous candidate for the same position and those I believe are a waste of taxpayers' money. I do not support or belong to any political party. I was part of accredited media covering the Office of the Vice President and Leni Robredo as she ran as a presidential aspirant in the 2022 National and local elections. On August 5, 2021, YouTube announced that I was selected as one of 50 Program participants of its Creator Program for Independent Journalists She was a Senior Consultant for ALL media engagements for the PCOO-led Committee on Media Affairs & Strategic Communications (CMASC) under the ASEAN 2017 National Organizing Council from January 4 -July 5, 2017. Having been an ASEAN advocate since 2011, she has written extensively about the benefits of the ASEAN community and as a region of opportunities on Blog Watch and Organization affiliation includes Consortium on Democracy and Disinformation Updated June 6, 2022