#RHbill live tweeting on Tuesday Feb 8 1:00 PM
Though the Congress’ Committee on Population and Family Relations voted to pass the consolidated Reproductive Health Bill to the second reading, it is still a long road ahead for the passage of the RH Bill.
Be aware. Be part of the discussion on the Reproductive Health Bill in two ways this coming Tuesday, February 8.
1. Attend the 1:00 pm Senate third public hearing on the RH bill. Senator Padilla Room, 2nd floor, Senate building.
2. Be online on twitter at 1:00 PM and follow the the hashtag #RHBill and tweets of @bethangsioco , @sagadasun and @momblogger .
Here are some notes on the Reproductive Health Issues
Ten Good Reasons to Pass the RH Bill Now
Sexuality and reproductive health rights: a situationer in the Philippines
The RH bill: Clarifying misconceptions, furthering advocacy
Responsible parenthood? Reproductive Health? What’s in a name?
A personal reflection on the Reproductive Health Bill – HB 96
The Reproductive Health Bill fracas
The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011
Senate Bill No. 2378 Reproductive Health Act by Sen Miriam-Defensor Santiago