How to participate in #SpeakUp: Say NO to violence against women

The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people- ML King Jr.

Did you know that one in five Filipino women aged 15-49 has experienced physical violence since age 15?

There is more. One in seven women who were married experienced physical violence by their husband. Three in five women who experienced physical or sexual violence reported experiencing depression, anxiety, and anger.

Sadly , this  type of violence is not confined to physical abuse, but can also take the form of emotional, verbal, psychological, economic, and sexual abuse.

What can be done to stop violence against women?

November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. It also marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism leading up to Human Rights Day on December 10. This is a worldwide campaign to raise awareness that violence against women is one of the most widespread human rights abuses across the globe. Take Back the tech also has their 16 day campaign where each day there is an action to be undertaken.

In the Philippines,  One can even report violations by mapping it at The local campaign is extended to 18 Days, to include Anti-Trafficking Persons Day on December 12.

How to participate in #SpeakUp

Senator Pia Cayetano supports a cause she holds dearly — “saying NO to violence against women”. She is sharing  some ideas on how  everyone can participate on November 25, when the 18 day campaign will start in social media using the #SpeakUp hashtag

You can choose to do any of the following:

1. Upload to Instagram or change your Twitter display photo to a picture of yourself holding up our downloadable sign, like this:

2. Upload to Instagram or change your Twitter display photo to a picture of yourself holding up your hand as if staying STOP, with a sign on your palm, like this:

You can opt to put up your hand and just write “STOP” on your palm. Or you can simply just put up your hand.

3. Add a white Twibbon to your display photo through this website:

You’re free to make your own sign, and even make your own slogan to inform your followers about the campaign. The important thing is to use the #SpeakUp hashtag in your tweets to be consistent with our cause. Encourage your friends and followers to participate in the campaign by using the #SpeakUphashtag and changing their display photos, too!

Throughout the course of the 18 Day Campaign, Senator Pia will be tweeting information to up the public’s consciousness on this issue. Feel free to RT or tweet your own insights– with the #SpeakUp hashtag, of course! With your help and enthusiastic support, we can show the world that we care about our women. Together, we can finally put a stop to violence against them.


PS. For more information on violence against women, you can visit these related websites:


16 days campaign: