@Cocoy, PH blogger at the Foreign Press Center “2012 Election Night Program” #2012USelectionsPH

Updated – Google Hangout at 10:30 AM Philippine time. Our Google Hangout page can be found at our Google Plus page

Start viewing at 5:00 mark. Cocoy arrives at 13.19 mark
Thanks to Smart Jump Center for the super fast connection


Cocoy Dayao is a participant of the Foreign Press Center “2012 Election Night Program” from October 31-November 8, 2012. We are thankful to the US Embassy for giving Blog Watch this opportunity through Cocoy’s representation.

We are proud that Cocoy is the only Philippine representative to take part in this and most probably the first blogger from the Philippines. While in the USA, Cocoy will participate in many activities such as lectures and observation tours :

Introduction to U.S. Elections – Voting Procedures and Laws
David Scanlan, New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State

Election 2012 Campaign Themes and New Hampshire Voters
Dante Scala, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University

Democratic Party Fundraising and Election 2012 Economic Issues
Gary Hirshberg, former CEO of Stonyfield Farm and major Democratic Party fundraiser

Site visits to campaign offices

Presidential Polling and U.S. Elections
Andy Smith, Director of the University of New Hampshire Polling Center

Access to Voting and Civil Rights Issues
Albert Scherr, Professor at the University of New Hampshire School of Law and Board Member of the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union

The Senior Vote and Community Volunteering
Betsy Hatfield, Director of Grandmothers for Obama

Female Involvement in Politics and Reflections on Governor Romney
Speakers from the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus

The Use of Social Media in Modern Campaigning and Voter Education
The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University

Cocoy will transfer from New Hampshire to Boston on November 4. He will cover the Romney-Ryan Election Night 2012 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center on November 6. Upon Cocoy’s return to the Philippines, we will all meet up with him so he can share his experience and perhaps use some ideas if applicable for our own 2013 #juanvote election watch .

Follow @cocoy on Twitter as he live tweets from Ground Zero. For the duration of his trip, he will also use the hashtag #2012USelectionsph

Google Hangout
Via @philippinebeat

Blog Watch will be doing a Google Hangout with our embedded Blogwatcher, Cocoy Dayao, today, Nov. 3 (Saturday), at 10:30 AM (Manila time), 10:30 PM (New Hampshire time).

Do try to join us at that time and let’s hear what Cocoy has experienced so far covering the U.S. elections. We will be using Google Hangout on Air via YouTube so that the public can join us. Link will be given tomorrow on this Google+ page.

Our Google Hangout page can be found at our Google Plus page

Participants to US State Department 2012 Election Night Program breaking for lunch

Here are videos taken by Cocoy during his first day.

Day One of 2012 Election Night Tour
Intro to U.S. Elections – Voting Procedures & Laws w/ David Scanlan, Deputy Sec State, NH

Here’s the session with Dante Scala – Campaign Themes and New Hampshire Voters

Photo by Cocoy