Video: In Solidarity with Ric O’Barry (A short documentary on captive dolphins)

This short documentary follows the week-long visit of activist Richard O’Barry in the Philippines last September 2012. O’Barry, an activist against marine mammal captivity and the slaughter and capture of dolphins, is the star of the 2010 Oscar Award-winning documentary “The Cove”.

Watch as O’Barry travels from Manila to Misamis Occidental, convincing officials and negotiating with leaders in pursuit of releasing captive dolphins in a certain facility. Follow him as he gathers support for a local legislature banning field trips to dolphin amusement parks.

Watch as he moves from one place to another, adding his vibrant voice to the campaign and raising to a higher level the struggle of all freedom and dolphin loving Filipinos against captivity and dolphin shows.

Produced by the Earth Island Institute Philippines. Directed by Karl Ramirez. Take action now! Browse 2012