The time has come to end the debates! August 7, 2012 #RHBILL #Vote4RH #BotohanNa

In days, our Congress could take the pivotal step of securing universal access to birth control and maternal care for all Filipinos — but the powerful Catholic Church and its political allies could kill it unless we act now.

Over 70% of the Filipino population supports the Reproductive Health (RH) bill, but politicians fearful of Church pressure have for years ignored public opinion. The tide, however, may be turning. Experts say President Aquino’s brave endorsement of the Bill last week could convince other lawmakers to do the same – let’s tip the balance in our favor by telling Congress we won’t sit by idly while they kill the bill for the 14th year in a row.

The House of Representatives votes in 5 days and it’s likely to be close – if it dies here, we’ll have to wait one more year to even bring up the subject. Sign this urgent petition now and forward widely – when we reach 30,000 signatures, we’ll deliver it straight to the House in Quezon City:


Passing the RH bill is crucial at this moment in history when birth control is out of reach for most women. The Philippines has one of the fastest growing populations in Asia, half of all pregnancies are unintended, and there are over 475,000 illegal abortions every year. Granting greater access to birth control could make all the difference in reducing abortions, improving maternal health, and even combating poverty.

But the Church is going to great lengths to stop the Bill — priests are denouncing it during Mass, and lawmakers say they’re being threatened with excommunication if they vote for the legislation. But the truth is millions of Catholics throughout the Philippines and around the world support access to birth control.

It’s time for Congress to represent the views of the majority of Filipinos instead of caving into Church pressure. Let’s let our lawmakers know where we stand. Sign the petition now and send to everyone:

Contraception is vital for women everywhere, but especially where birth deaths are rampant, unplanned pregnancy rates are high and access to regular birth control is severely limited. Let’s stand together as Filipinos now and ensure our politicians vote for the future of our country.

With hope and determination,

Jamie, Laura, Ian, Dalia, Diego, Ricken, Maria Paz, David and the whole Avaaz team


Congress urged to pass RH bill for the future (Manila Standard Today)

House to decide on RH bll next week (The Philippine Star)

Proponent unfazed, Palace appeals for support over RH measure (Business World Online),-Palace-appeals-for-support-over-RH-measure&id=56114 

Mention of reproductive health bill in Philippines’ president’s speech seen as endorsement (National Catholic Reporter)

Congress leaders push RH bill passage, Charter amendment (Sun Star)

Image vvia @ProRHBill2