Statement of the Malacañang Press Corps on the attack against Daily Tribune reporter Fernan Angeles

We, the officers and members of the Malacañang Press Corps, strongly condemn the attack against one of our members, Fernan Angeles of The Daily Tribune.

Angeles’ wife, Gemma, said he sustained six gunshot wounds from a .45 gun. His right arm was also broken when he was attacked by a still unidentified assailant near his house Sunday evening.

Gemma said before he lost consciousness as he was being rushed to the Pasig City General Hospital, Fernan said he knew his attacker, and that he was afraid because “malaking tao” or someone influential was behind it.

We want to know if this is work-related. We are outraged and demand a thorough probe on this dastardly attack.

We hold the Aquino administration to its word that there will be no sacred cows in cases of wrongdoings, and that it gives a primacy to press freedom and protection of media practitioners in the country.


Fernan Angeles wrote on his facebook wall last Saturday

I find it strange for the Palace to make a big fuzz out of the Corona armory, when two powerful men in Malacanang are known to collect guns too, aside from their being shooting buddies. As to who they are, one has been dragged over his AK47 and other high powered guns (specs of which I could no longer remember) and the other one literally owning an armory (he has his own stablew of security guards), aside from being addicted to target shooting. i just wish this barb trade would end… why not settle it na lang the old fashion, duelo na lang kayo!

With a reply from Alex Allan

Hacienda Luisita maintains a huge armory. the excuse then and now is to protect itself against Communist rebels. the guns are of varied brands, for example Colts, Smiths and Wessons, Tauruses and Llamas.

and Fernan Angeles added

boss, you forgot to mention one very important matter that the public deserves to know. hacienda luisita does not only have an armory. they also maintain a stable of fugitives who work “on call” and hires dishonorably dismissed personnel from various government security-related branches of the afp and the pnp. for those who may want some basis of what i just said, it is prudent to look into noy’s private armed group masquerading as security agency.