Attending the 1 st ASEAN Social Media Exchange & Social Media Communication Strategy for ASEAN

I am right now in Jakarta to attend the 1st ASEAN Social Media Exchange and Social Media Communication Strategy for ASEAN.

The email surprised me because I got it two weeks before the date. At first I thought it was a scam but I did a research on GIZ , a German development organisation that is behind the ASEAN meeting and discovered it was legitimate of course.

READ:  Sharing my social media experience at the 1st ASEAN Social Media Strategy Meeting
ASEAN, a region of opportunities for citizens

The overall objective is to facilitate a reasonably informal exchange about Social Media Strategy for ASEAN. It is likely that various formal outcomes and implementations would emerge from the meeting and be rolled out in 2012, probably as a suite of related projects which may include internal training at ASEAN, follow up initiatives addressing topics that emerge from the meeting, etc.

So many exciting personalities are here right now in this ASEAN meeting including the ASEAN Secretariat, social media personalities from Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia and consultants from Brussels, New Zealand, Germany, and Singapore.

READ:  Is the Philippines ready for 2015 ASEAN Integration?

Follow some of us @unspun @indiraabidin @ASEAN2015 @MarcoHBerlin @kramput @lucasjosten @melinachan and of course @BruneiTweet .

I will not be able to publish the contents of the meeting until an official release.

Participants from GIZ , ASEAN secretariat, consultants and ASEAN Social media users , 2013

Updated: I met up again for the Social Media Communication Strategy for ASEAN & 2nd Social Media Exchange/a> in Bangkok , Thailand on March 22, 2013.