Bloggers, collaborate and be part of DTI Issues discussion points

Bloggers have been invited to talk with Internet and Mobile Marketing Association of the Philippines (IMMAP) regarding this issue with the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI). This issue came about after Janette Toral posted this blog entry, Individuals, Bloggers, Businesses need a DTI Sales Promotion Permit even if there is no purchase required. The issue created a #DTIblag hashtag and a lot of angry tweets. The issue started when “two agencies approached IMMAP to help them clear things up concerning the Department of Trade and Industry or DTI permits for Facebook contests.”

Concerned bloggers took the initiative to talk to IMMAP to iron out the issue.

Earlier this afternoon, bloggers took time to talk to IMMAP about their concerns about contests and permits. IMMAP mentioned that their initial discussions/clarifications with regards to Blog Promotions was originally only between IMMAP members and DTI. It just so happen of course, that once DTI ruled that blogs are covered, even non-IMMAP member blogs are affected.

It must be emphasized that there is no one person who represents the bloggers. By collaborating with a shared document, it is an opportunity for us to show (1) the diversity of the our community and the community’s resolve to tackle this issue directly without any need for an interlocutor or intercession or any association. (2) It also gives us an opportunity to show a more exact portrait of the community to the public and everyone concerned.

View the discussion points and contribute.

Tomorrow, IMMAP will talk once again with bloggers. If you want to be part of the webinar, just sign up here. Webinar is limited to 100 slots.

Here are Twitter reactions.
