Celebrate Social Media Day 2011

(Image from mashable.com)

Mashable announced its second annual Social Media Day which will be held Thursday, June 30, 2011. “The global event is a celebration of the technological advancements that enable everyone to connect with real-time information, communicate from miles apart and have their voices be heard.”

How does one celebrate Social Media day? “There’s no better way to celebrate the revolution of media becoming a social dialogue than by socializing with your online community offline.” Yes. meet up with your twitter, facebook friends. I am invited to a Social Media awards that day so I will probably attend that so I can meet up with my online friends.

If you don’t have plans for June 30, Mashable suggests a How to organize a meetup

A year ago, Blog Watch was invited to cover the inauguration of the President Noynoy Aquino. June 30 also happened to be Social Media day 2010, a day to celebrate the revolution of media being social. What a day to celebrate social media day as bloggers took part in making history.

Unfortunately, a year after the President Aquino administration failed to engage with bloggers and social media users. At the first press conference, Spokesperson Lacierda said that the new administration acknowledged the role of bloggers as citizen watchdogs. Being a blogger himself, he assured me that the Communications group which is still being finalized then that time will include something for social media and give bloggers a chance to interact with the administration.

What happened?